Bindi is a red dot or any kind of decoration applied between the eyebrows on the forehead, worn by the beautiful Hindu and Jain women.
The term “bindi” stems from the Sanskrit word bindu, which means drop or particle. Traditionally, the area between the eyebrows (where the bindi is placed) is said to be the sixth chakra, Ajna, the seat of "concealed wisdom". The bindi is said to retain energy and strengthen concentration. 
In Sanskrit, ajna translates as “command” or “perceive,” and is considered the eye of intuition and intellect. Thus, the bindi’s purpose is to enhance the powers of this chakra, specifically by facilitating one’s ability to access their inner wisdom or guru, allowing them to see the world and interpret things in a truthful, unbiased manner as well as forsake their ego and rid their false labels.
*The ring is available in 925 Silver in solid brass polished gold
BRASS: As we use only solid brass we don't expect any oxidation or tarnishing, but if it occurs please wash your brass jewellery in warm water and a mild liquid soap. Use a soft cloth or brush to gently rub away any dirt on the jewelry. Once the pieces appear bright and clean, rinse the soap off and dry thoroughly.
925 SILVER: After taking off your silver ring, clean it with a dry soft cloth, or polishing cloth, before putting it back into an airtight container. If the polishing cloth doesn't remove all the tarnish, wash your ring in warm water with a few drops of mild dish washing liquid.